Mapping for Sustainable Development
Kasarani, Nairobi, Kenya
+254 723 786161

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Full Name of Project: Hazard Atlas Development for Turkana, Tana River, Garissa, Kwale, Kilifi and Baringo Counties
(The project is for National Drought Management Authority with funding from UNDP)
The main objectives of Hazard Atlas Development Project are as follows:

  • Identifying hazards occurring in the counties and the hotspots
  • Mapping hazards
  • Developing hazard atlases for the counties
  • Improving capacity of the stakeholders through training




Turkana 2


This project is being implemented in six counties in Kenya. The first phase included Turkana, Tana River and Garissa Counties while phase two included Baringo, Kwale and Kilifi Counties.
Target users of the products include:

  • County and National Governments
  • NDMA
  • Various stakeholders in the field of Disaster Risk Reduction in the Counties such as UN agencies, International Organizations, NGOs, CBOs
  • Academia






The project is implemented by RCMRD with support from UNDP/NDMA on logistics for example, organizing workshops and fieldwork in the respective Counties
The project had two phases. Phase one is officially closed. Phase two will be closed end of June, 2017 (with a possible extension as there are still a few remaining activities).
Status: Active
Useful link:




Kilifi 2




Get In Touch For more information, registration or further Questions

Roysambu, Kasarani
Nairobi, Kenya

+254 020 2680748 / 2680722
+254 723 786161 / +254 735 981098


P.O. Box 632-00618 Nairobi, Kenya

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