Mapping for Sustainable Development
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AfriGEOSS SymposiumThe second international Africa Global Earth Observation System of Systems (AfriGEOSS) symposium hosted by the Earth Observation Research and Innovation Centre (EORIC), University of Energy and Natural Resources (UENR) was opened on 13th June, 2017 in Sunyani, Ghana.

Under the theme, ‘Delivering Earth Observations for Policy and Sustainable Societal Impact in Africa’, the three-day programme was attended by about 120 practitioners, experts and developers in earth observations technologies across Africa, Europe, the United States of America, Canada and other parts of the world. It builds on the success of the first symposium held in Victoria Falls in 2016 and focused on how Earth observations, through the AfriGEOSS Action Areas, support the implementation of African policies and enable informed decision-making for improved quality of life.

The three-day (13-15 June) programme, with speakers from all six regions of the continent and over 20 countries, covered thematic areas aligned with the GEO Societal Benefit Areas, provided a platform to promote and build synergies amongst national, regional and global initiatives. Engagement with end users informed the Earth Observation community on how to deliver user-driven solutions.

To foster capacity building, the Symposium was preceded by a week of training workshops, offered in partnership with local and international partners such as AGRYMET, CERGIS, EORIC, ESA, USAID, NASA, SERVIR Eastern and Southern Africa, West Africa and SERVIR Global and Software Carpentry.

Content for this article compiled by Dorah Nesoba and provided by Phoebe Oduor and James Wanjohi RCMRD/SERVIR E&SA

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