Mapping for Sustainable Development
Kasarani, Nairobi, Kenya
+254 723 786161

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SERVIR, a joint initiative of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), works in partnership with leading regional organizations worldwide to help developing countries use information provided by Earth observing satellites and geospatial technologies for

managing climate risks and land use. The SERVIR network of regional hubs currently covers the Eastern and Southern Africa regions, the Hindu-Kush Himalaya region, the Mekong region, and the West Africa region.

SERVIR-Eastern and Southern Africa (SERVIR-ESA) is implemented by the Regional Center for Mapping of Resources for Development (RCMRD). The all-encompassing goal of SERVIR-ESA is to improve environmental management and resilience to climate change by strengthening the capacity of governments and other key stakeholders to integrate earth observation information and geospatial technologies into development decision-making. Basing development decisions on better information in the Eastern & Southern Africa regions helps to achieve more resilient outcomes in the thematic areas noted below.

SERVIR-ESA Grants Program Objective:

The objective of the grants program is to expand SERVIR- ESA’s network of organizations in the region and to generate innovative ideas for applying earth observation data and geospatial methods/tools for development decision-making in the Eastern and Southern Africa Region. The anticipated outcome of the grant activities is to stimulate the innovative use of geospatial tools and information to translate science into sustainable policy and practice that addresses the development challenges posed by environmental and climate stresses.

The grants program is supported by the SERVIR and Climate Services Support Activity (SERVIR Support), a four-year project funded by USAID and implemented by Chemonics International Inc. based in Washington, DC. The overarching program goal of SERVIR Support is to improve USAID’s communication of SERVIR hub results and impacts, facilitate reliable access to SERVIR’s online data and tools, and provide technical assistance to hubs and in-region partners.

The grant program is managed by both the SERVIR-ESA and SERVIR Support teams, and applicants will be working with representatives from SERVIR-ESA based in Nairobi and SERVIR Support based in Washington, DC.

Read full details at SERVIR-ESA Grants Program

Get In Touch For more information, registration or further Questions

Roysambu, Kasarani
Nairobi, Kenya

+254 020 2680748 / 2680722
+254 723 786161 / +254 735 981098


P.O. Box 632-00618 Nairobi, Kenya

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